What is DC Sketchfest?
DC Sketchfest is DC's only sketch comedy festival and features 36 comedy troupes from the US and Canada for four days only, March 26-29, at The DC Arts Center. DC Sketchfest is organized by the DC sketch comedy community and founded by Bad Medicine and Rails Comedy.
What is Sketch Comedy?
A sketch is a short, fully scripted comedy scene (you may call these "skits" but we never do). Sketch is the same thing you see on Saturday Night Live!
Where do I get tickets?
Tickets are on sale here!
How do I get involved?
We need volunteers; if you're interested, please submit this form!
How can I perform?
The application window closed on December 14, 2024, but stay tuned for updates on next year's festival.
What kinds of groups/shows are you looking for?
We welcome performers of all types, ranging from veteran sketch troupes to newcomers. No matter your level of experience or location, whether you perform in English or even Klingon, we're excited to see what you offer!
Who’s that crazy bottle guy all over your website?
Oh, that’s Mumbie.
Any more questions?
Email us at admin@dcsketchfest.com.